Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I don't know how many of you have tried to live out of small hotel with three kids but it kind of stinks! We quickly started finding places on base to take the kids and keep them occupied. This little pond is just down the road from where we've been staying and is full of turtles! There's a small dock that goes out into the pond and when the turtles see you they start swarming in. I think at one point there had to have been at least 70 turtles. They range from small (like you'd find in a pet store) to some as big as large dinner platters! The first time we went we didn't take any food but the couple of times after that we've made sure to take bread. It's way better then feeding ducks because I don't have to worry about my fingers getting chomped on! 

 Before we moved here Derek kept telling us about the white sand beaches and the green water of the gulf coast. He's actually lived in this are of Florida before, his tech school for the bomb squad was at Eglin so he's pretty familiar with the area. Anyways, we discovered that that base borders a small bay that the gulf empties into. We found a small beach, also close to where we've been staying and took the kids down one evening. I thought that the kids would have fun, which they did, until they noticed all the bugs and hermit crabs that inhabit the beach. Needless to say they now scour the ground and freak out every time they see something crawling. But the weather was absolutely perfect! I was commenting to my mom that I wish the weather would be like that all the time.

 Now one of the coolest things about living in Florida is sitting on the beach and watching the dolphins play! That little speck in the water? Yup, it's a dolphin. I wished I could have zoomed in more. Maybe I'll hint to Derek about that new Canon camera. ;)


  1. I LOVE the turtles and the dolphins! SO fun! Especially for this boring Utah-girl. :D Miss you guys!

  2. WOW! what a month you have had. I loved reading about everything that has been going on in you life. Florida sounds like it is going to be a wonderful experience for you, loved the turtles, who would have thought that they would be like ducks? Can't wait to read more.
